Dropbox is a file storage platform, which has been gaining a lot in popularity recently as it enables you to access any content saved on its servers using any device so long as their application is installed. The information is synchronized between all devices, so you can easily access it at any time. Dropbox does not offer hosting services, thus if you upload an html file it won't display as a website and will not be executed. This service is used only for storing content and we have taken advantage of the fact that they offer an API to third-party companies to create a backup service on our end, which you'll be able to use if you host your Internet sites on our web servers. With this extra feature you will not have tobe concerned about your content considering that you will always have a copy of your websites on the Dropbox servers and on your personal computer just in case that something happens - a script update going wrong, deleting files accidentally, and so on.

Dropbox Backups in Website Hosting

You'll be able to use Dropbox for backups whatever the website hosting service that you pick when you sign up and the feature shall be available inside the Hepsia Control Panel provided with all accounts. Linking one or even numerous Dropbox accounts takes only a few clicks and as soon as the connection with our system is set up, you could choose if all your info will be backed up there or only specific websites and databases. This is determined by the size of the content material which you have on our end and what amount of space you have in your Dropbox account. The number of backups you may have ranges from 3 to 14 and our system will make a new one every day, so you could have a copy of your info for up to fourteen days back and you shall be able to access them on your PC as regular folders and files. You can easily change the Internet sites or the number of backups anytime. This functionality is a great addition to the backups which we will keep of your whole content 4 times daily. Provided you no longer want your Dropbox account to be linked to our system, you could remove it with a click inside your CP.

Dropbox Backups in Semi-dedicated Servers

All semi-dedicated server accounts created on our sophisticated cloud hosting platform come with the Dropbox backup function by default, so you'll be able to link an account that you have with them with a couple of clicks. The tool which you shall find within the Hepsia hosting Control panel will enable you to choose different options - what Internet site files and databases shall be backed up and what amount of copies should be kept within your Dropbox account. This way you could have a copy just of certain content for up to fourteen days back. These options could be changed easily anytime and you may even use several Dropbox accounts or delete ones that you no longer want to use. You should only make certain that the total size of the backups doesn't exceed the disk space limit which you have on their end. Because the backed up content can be accessed in a regular folder on your personal computer, this function is a useful addition to the daily backups which we will generate of your whole account at least four times every single day.

Dropbox Backups in VPS Servers

You can take full advantage of the Dropbox backups in case the VPS servers which you choose is set up with our in-house developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel. With the very intuitive interface, it shall take you just a couple of mouse clicks to link the Virtual private server to your Dropbox account and the same day our system will start copying your content there. There are several customizable options - the number of daily backups that you'll have at one time, ranging from three to 14, and the information that shall be backed up. The latter option will enable you to decide if our system will copy everything or only specific Internet sites and databases, so that you could get only the data that you really need, specifically if the free space in your Dropbox account isn't enough for a number of backups with significant size. You can disconnect your account with just a mouse click within your VPS CP if you no longer need to use Dropbox. We also provide conventional backups among other administration services as an element of our Managed Services package.

Dropbox Backups in Dedicated Servers

All dedicated service which are provided with our Hepsia hosting CP incorporate the Dropbox backup function by default, consequently if you wish to use this service, you simply have to link the server to your account via the Dropbox section within Hepsia. The user-friendly interface will allow you to choose the websites that'll be backed up in case that you do not require the whole content which you have on the server or you just do not have plenty of free space inside your Dropbox account. You'll be able to also select how many copies of the daily backups will be kept, so if you choose the maximum number of 14, for instance, you'll have a copy of your files and databases for every day of the past two weeks. Both options can be edited whenever you want in the event that you change your mind in regards to the content of the number of backups that you need. You could also disconnect the Dropbox account without difficulty if you don't need to use it or if you would rather use the backup service that's a part of our Managed services upgrade along with other practical server management tasks our system administrators can perform for you.