In case you have a website hosting account and you create an email address, you may consider the option to send and receive emails for granted, however, that isn't always the case. Sending e-mail messages is not always part of the website hosting packages that companies will offer you and an SMTP service is required to be capable to do that. The acronym signifies Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and that is the set of scripts that enables you to send out e-mails. If you are using an email app, it creates a connection to the SMTP server. The latter then looks up the DNS records of the domain, which is a part of the receiving address to find out what mail server manages its e-mails. After system data is interchanged, your SMTP server delivers the message to the remote IMAP or POP server and the email is finally delivered in the corresponding mailbox. An SMTP server is required if you are using some sort of contact page form too, so in case you work with a free of charge hosting plan, as an example, it's probable that you will not be able to use such a form since many free hosting providers do not allow outgoing email messages.

SMTP Server in Website Hosting

With every single website hosting we offer, you'll be able to make use of our SMTP server and send out e-mails via your preferred e mail program, webmail or a script on your website. The service is provided with the packages as standard, not as a paid add-on or on-demand, so you're able to use your email addresses as soon as you create them using your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. We have prepared thorough tutorials how to create a mailbox in the most popular desktop and smartphone e-mail clients and they include all SMTP settings that you'll require along with standard issues that you might come across as well as their solutions. If you are using an online contact page form on your web site, all that you should enter is the server name and your e-mail, so you can get the form functioning very quickly.

SMTP Server in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our Linux semi-dedicated servers come with an SMTP server as standard, so you'll not have to shell out anything extra or ask for access. You'll be able to send out e-mail messages if you create a mailbox with any of your domains in your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. Our thorough tutorials will highlight how you can set up the email address in an email app and will assist you to troubleshoot any problem if you cannot send out e-mails for some reason, because we have gathered the most typical problems you might experience as well as their solutions in one place. In case you have an e-mail contact form of any sort on your site, all it takes to get it to function is to enter the SMTP name as well as your e-mail. The semi-dedicated server packages are really powerful and they will allow you to send a lot of emails, which makes them a great choice if you would like to send out regular newsletters to your customers.